My writing
From the good ol’ days of youth, music’s been my ride or die. Rediscovering old tunes is a straight-up trip down memory lane. It’s like I’m living those past years all over again, you know? Just like life, each year adds a new flavor to my sound palette; my musical taste buds are constantly evolving.
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latest playlists
of wholehearted listening
May 2023 Spotify Playlist
Trip to Tampere has been about finding that inner child for me – that curious, fun-loving kiddo with bursts of positive energy. It has been a surprisingly long journey to get there. I've peeled away those layers upon layers of walls to find her. Since the beginning of...
April 2023 Spotify Playlist
It has been quite a difficult start at my new home, with a lot of uncertainty yet many things going on and keeping me busy. New beginnings are always hard, but it'll get easier along the way once you get going. I should know this by now.
March 2023 Spotify Playlist
I moved to a new apartment on the beginning of March. It’s the same neighbourhood I used to live in over ten years ago. It feels like I’m closing a big circle, a phase of my life, and it feels good....
February 2023 Spotify Playlist
February was filled with those little victories for me. I met many business owners and decided to take a train to the BNI gala in another town. There is something about train rides; I listened to French songs through the train ride because it’s difficult for me to...
January 2023 Spotify Playlist
I spent New Year’s Eve and the beginning of 2023 in London. Since the growth isn’t linear, I sometimes struggle going forward. That’s when I come back to music. It often helps....